Tag Archives: South Africa

Holiday like Royalty in Namibia

Namibia is a hidden gem located on the southwest coast of Africa. This vast ancient land, which features spectacular diverse landscapes and eleven diverse cultures, is the second least populated country in the world. But that doesn’t stop the rich and famous from visiting this spectacular country. Rumor has it that the Duke and Duchess…
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The 4 most extreme travel destinations on Earth

Sometimes, you book a vacation because you need to get away from the stress of work and just relax on the beach. Other times, you need to get rid of some of the pent-up energy that comes from working a desk job - that's when adventure travel destinations are your best bet for an exciting…
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Top 5 Unusual Beach Vacation Spots

Have the cold winter days got you thinking about white sand beaches and gently swaying palm trees yet? Perhaps you've changed your desktop background to a high-definition photo of a tropical sun over rolling waves. Unfortunately, that picture isn't going to change the air temperature as you walk back to your car in the evening.…
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