Monthly Archives: May 2018

Escape to the Venice of America, Fort Lauderdale

Located north of Miami on Florida’s southeastern coast, the city of Fort Lauderdale is a lively, picturesque destination that features a more than 300-mile extended network of man-made, navigable canals. These meandering waterways are a prominent attraction of the city, and it is for this reason that Fort Lauderdale is often referred to as the…
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How to Eliminate Stress on Business Travel

Travel in recent years has become increasingly stressful. Long, snaking queues for security checks, jam-packed air cabins, delays due to technical and weather-related incidents, there is no shortage of reasons that can add stress to your journey. When you travel for work, you want your commute to be incident-free as you are hoping to arrive…
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Pack Like a Pro for your Business Travel

Check the weather at your destination Business travel trips are unpredictable. At times you may receive enough notice for a business travel trip for a meeting or conference, and at other times you may have to travel for work in a jiffy. No matter what the circumstance, you should check the weather at your destination…
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